Category: edci335

peer review:public goods

Thank you for sharing your interactive resource on Public Goods. I really like the topic you chose. Although it is a bit specific to students with economics backgrounds, you explain the lesson in a way that makes it accessible and comprehensible to others as well.
I like the overview part very much as it clearly describes what should be expected from this project and highlights critical elements. And I think it is great that you mentioned the learners’ group that this project is meant for.
As for technology choices, I like how you incorporate Twitter, which serves as a great tool for interactive learning. WordPress is also a helpful learning tool, However, it might be better to explain the application of WordPress in detail in the modules and assessment sections.
I like the layout of your learning modules. The three sections give students a clear image of the characteristics of public goods and lead them to explore each section in depth. I especially like the activity in the Non-rival section. The learning content and objectives are very clear and the discussion part is highly interactive. Even those who are less familiar with Microeconomics can understand the concept with the help of group members.
In addition, the learning materials in the other two sections facilitate learning to a large extent. The application of vivid images, animation, text, and subtitles cater to the various needs of learners, which also reflects your design for inclusion.
Overall, I like your learning activities, but you may consider explaining the concept of public goods before the defining characteristics. Some examples or interactive activities would be helpful as well.
I love the reflection questions in the assessment section. The open-ended questions provide more opportunities for students to exchange ideas and learn from each other and helps them develop critical thinking abilities.
Overall, I think this lesson plan is quite amazing and I would borrow ideas from in my own practice. Although there is still work to be done, it offers insights to others who were hoping to design an effective learning experience for students. I hope this feedback is helpful for you


Mara Cox: thank you for your sharing. You can apply what edci335 has learned through your own actual operations. I think this is very good. And I totally agree with your point that “In the classroom, it is important that we take on this perspective where we recognize that we all need support in some way. This then helps us to help our learners in identifying and accessing the supports they need to be successful.” This can help us design courses and learning activities, identify obstacles that may hinder student success, and change or adjust plans to reduce these obstacles.


Haeleen Parmar post: thank you for your post. You picked a great TedTalk video. I also like to watch TedTalk, because I can learn a lot of knowledge from it. You let the students write journals and communicate with them in this way, I think it’s very good. Because you can know their inner thoughts through the journals of students and help them in time. TedTalk also has visual examples through audio delivery and also provides script recording. Through classroom activities that help “hands-on” learning, I think the video will be meaningful to all students.


Hey, Candice Shang, I really like how you understand and interpret the back-bike parts. I have the same feeling, he really changed bicycle riding into a new thing. When you look at the world from a different perspective, you will find it difficult to understand or be confused at first and see many aspects of the world. We can solve the problem in more than one way. The world is strange and weird, and there are many aspects and perspectives that we need to solve in different ways. Thank you for your sharing. It gave me a new way of thinking about the world and solving problems.


Hi Zihan Bai, thank you for your post. You have used one image to show the relationship between interaction w/peers, interaction w/content, and interaction w/instructor. From this image, we can know learning is very important because it is in the middle of this image. Everything needs learning. You have talked about students needs to learn something after watching videos, I totally agree with you, because when students after watching videos, they need some time to learn it and know it. The learning time after watching the video is very necessary.


Hi Capri, it is a nice post. I think art is an important skill for children to embrace and think openly. It is a tool for self-expression, and most students like it. There will always be children who do not believe that they are a good artist. This is a great way to show them that they may have some hidden talents. Will definitely use it in my classroom! I think it is very important and great that taking the notes and watching the video at the same time, when the student is learned something by video, and they can take some notes which they think it is important. This can strengthen the memory of students, and it is not easy to forget the new knowledge learned.


Hi Amy bai, I really like your post, cooperative learning & Visual art. You were talked about what is cooperative learning. I think Cooperative learning is a method of learning or working in groups to achieve the same goal. Students will communicate with each other to handle lecture courses. Every student needs to take on some responsibilities to help the group. And I also agree with you that cooperative learning can be hard for visual art depends on what is the project. Everyone has their own thinking and idea. However, cooperative learning can help students do step by step. And it also can make students brainstorm, the student may have more awesome ideas.


Interaction Prompt

Interaction Prompt

Instructional design is the creation of “instructional experiences which make the acquisition of knowledge and skill more efficient, effective, and appealing. (Merrill, Drake, Lacy, Pratt, 1996).” The instructional design includes three parts, tools, people, and organizations. The tools have the process, theory, and physical. The people include management, ID Teams, SMEs, Learners. Organizations have government, corporation, military, higher ED, and K-12. Whilst it has been argued that an interactive learning system has the potential to produce a high‐quality learning environment that actively and purposefully engages learners, in most cases the design does not take into account actual studies of learners’ different learning styles or empirical knowledge of their learning preferences. The video describes what instructional design is and what it includes. Interaction is valuable for long-term learning habits, and understanding these concepts with full support. The design is very useful for classroom environments and online lectures.

After watching the video, give students a certain amount of time to accept new knowledge, and then let them take notes. You can check their learning situation by letting students take photos and upload the photos of the notes. This activity will not bring me a lot of workloads, because I only need to check the notes uploaded by the students. The work is both manageable and worthwhile because this is the best way to check the students’ own learning process and ability. The video needs to be designed to be lively and interesting and need to have knowledge in it. Because only interesting videos can attract more people to watch, and when there is a certain amount of knowledge in your video, students are more willing to learn knowledge through this interesting way. Interactive learning is a necessary and fundamental mechanism for knowledge acquisition and the development of both cognitive and physical skills. Before designing interactive learning resources it is important to understand how interactivity works and the nature of the environments that are needed to support it. The effectiveness of these environments also needs to be examined.





(Prompt)Inclusive Design

(Prompt)Inclusive Design

In interactive learning, communication and sharing are the most important factors. In order to ensure that the needs of all learners are met, group discussions and joint projects are very important. Interactive Learning is a pedagogical approach that incorporates social networking and urban computing into course design and delivery. Interactive Learning has evolved out of the hyper-growth in the use of digital technology and virtual communication, particularly by students.

There are 5 ways to make interactive learning. Firstly, asking for feedback, any opportunity for the learner to leave feedback is a great opportunity for interaction. How we respond to feedback can also have other advantages in simplifying the process and making it more relevant. Secondly, letting people choose the way, give learners the choice to choose the starting point of the topic and unit so that they can immediately select relevant content, and participate in the plan. Students can be guided in the learning process through suggestions or some compulsory courses, but letting them choose the order of learning topics can enhance learners’ ability and participation. Thirdly, make it social, Social functions such as sharing and commenting on content are part of the way most of us are accustomed to communicating. Combined with gamification, this makes any course more interactive. It is also very interesting for learners. Fourthly, invite learners to contribute, letting learners contribute their knowledge by providing resources, or hosting online group learning sessions is another way to empower them. Finally, encourage peer evaluation, enabling learners to review each other’s work, which deepens their understanding of what they are doing, and encourages a culture of sharing, which is valuable for spreading best practices.

Now we are in a difficult time for COVID-19. The network is a very important factor that allows us to learn interactively. Engaging learners in your online learning program is the key to ensuring they learn effectively and get the most out of what they are doing. the most effective way to make learners more engaged in what they are doing is to make it interactive.

Direct Instruction & Visual Arts

What is Direct Instruction?

In direct teaching, teachers use clear teaching techniques to teach students specific skills. This kind of teaching is guided by the teacher, who usually stands at the front of the classroom and provides information. Teachers match their guidance with tasks to enhance students’ understanding of the topic. The technology depends on a rigorous lesson plan and there is little room for change. It does not include active learning activities such as discussions, seminars, or case studies. Direct instruction doesn’t stop at the teacher explaining a concept. There are 6 steps that are very important in the process. Firstly, you set the stage for learning. This is the opening of the lesson, and it’s intended to engage students, get their attention, and activate their prior knowledge. Secondly, using clear and instructive instructions so that students can begin to absorb new materials. Course content should be carefully organized step by step, and each step should complement each other. Thirdly, the teacher and students practice the concept together. The student attempts the skill with the assistance of the teacher and other students. Then, If the student does not understand the course materials, the teacher must correct them and provide feedback. This is also important for guided exercises because students must understand everything at this stage. Fifthly, Independent exercises provide students with the repetitive opportunities needed to combine new information or skills with previous knowledge or skills. Finally, Before continuing to learn new concepts based on what they have just learned, check that your students understand everything.


How is direct instruction connected to visual arts?

In the traditional sense, direct instruction is not suitable for use in visual arts. But I think some basic knowledge and theory of visual art will be better with direct instruction. Because any field or discipline has basic knowledge, direct instruction is a more efficient and time-saving way of teaching when facing basic knowledge learning. Skills first, creativity later. You can practice expression/experiment only if you have the skills, so you must do it first. Any great artist is inseparable from their skilled art skills. Direct instruction enables them to do more creative work because they will subsequently have more expression levels through higher skills. Thay said, direct instruction teaching does actually work to a degree, or you wouldn’t get the outcomes, but it’s superficial because your best students are actually being slowed down by it, and the less able need more time and support.


How is direct instruction connected to our learning resources?

The learning resource of my group is about the process of children participating in collaborative mural homework. They will use paint to create and display their work. Because I am dealing with children aged 6-8, it is necessary to grant them basic artistic knowledge. Let them understand theoretical knowledge, painting skills, and how to evaluate a painting is essential. Direct instruction is a very good way to teach children this boring but essential knowledge. I admit that art cannot use direct instruction too much, because art is about sharing, discussing, and evaluating. Because the audience is children, direct instruction is a more efficient and time-saving way to teach the basics of art. For these reasons, I think it is of great value to incorporate the elements of this learning method into our blueprint.




Direct instruction – A practical guide to effective teaching


Direct Instruction art teaching


Direct Instruction

blog prompt

From reading, I disagree with one idea that “if you have ever argued with someone, you likely know that even the strongest arguments against their view, seem to make them believe even more strongly that they are correct” (Admin, 2020). Because you have to convince others that it must be the right thing. If you use a strong and wrong perspective to talk about being accused, you will bring the wrong values to others.

I think the theoretical perspectives are difficult to understand. Perspectives that are too theoretical will make me feel very abstract and difficult to understand. Because it is too theoretical, it makes me feel far away from reality, and it is difficult for me to use it in my life and understand it. So, I usually apply theoretical perspectives to real life and apply it to some basic perspectives that everyone knows. I think life is the best medium and way to link unfamiliar and difficult to understand theories with common theories.

I will share a story about my best learning experience. I used to play basketball during high school, and I am a member of my school team. Basketball has a lot of theoretical knowledge, the history, the rule, and the skill. During the studying, I always confuse what is basket assignment and tip-off, what is fouls and violations, what is the game clock. And how can I improve my offensive skills and defensive skills? But when I touch the ball and apply this theoretical knowledge in the game, I found I know it, I can understand deeply about what I confused about. So, I really enjoy this process that forms confusion to understand, life and application are the best way for me to learning.

Behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism are three totally different ways. Behaviorism is with reinforcement and feedback to develop habits in their learners (Admin, 2020). Cognitivism is work with the learner to help them uncover and use appropriate learning strategies and make connections to prior understandings (Admin, 2020). Constructivism is believing that learners make their own meaning and interpretations based on individual experiences and interactions (Admin, 2020). When I want to learn some real hands-on things, behaviorism is a better way. When I want to learn some theoretical perspectives, cognitivism is a better way. When I need to connect realistic and theoretical perspectives, constructivism is a better way.


Hi, Anna

I am Yirun Jin. I read the post by Anna.  she comes from Japan, and I really like Japan. Japanese food is really good. I used to play basketball, so I also know some knowledge about basketball. who is your favorite player? For me, Kobe Bryant is. But on January 26, 2020, Bryant was killed in a helicopter accident in Calabasas, California. He was only 41 years old. On April 5 of the same year, Bryant was officially elected to the Nai Smith Basketball Hall of Fame.

nice to meet you, hope you well. take care


Yirun Jin



Hello, my name is Yirun Jin. I’m 25 years old. My hometown is Shanghai, China. So, my native country is China as well. Definitely, my first language is Chinese. I’m also an international student. I have been in Canada for five years, I really like Canada which nice view, a nice river, and nice mountains. However, sometimes I feel bored and lonely because of my family in China. I’m a year 4 student, so this term is my last term in my college life. To ensure smooth graduation, I am in Vancouver, Canada now. My major in Uvic is economic, as I said, I’m year 4, so I will finish all courses after this term.

I’d like play any interesting things, so I have a lot of hobbies, like basketball, video game, swimming, and so on. Do any guys play lol or pubg, please contact me? I watch NBA usually, my favorite term is Lakers, the player is Kobe Bryant. But on January 26, 2020, Bryant was killed in a helicopter accident in Calabasas, California. He was only 41 years old. On April 5 of the same year, Bryant was officially elected to the Nai Smith Basketball Hall of Fame. RIP KOBE!!!

The world is becoming more and more technological every day. Multimedia has played such an important role in education. I think the future of education mainly comes from various media resources, so this is a very important course to learn.

I am so excited to meet everyone, hope everything well, and take care of everyone.

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